Do I need to close programs on my computer before I start the SSAT at Home?

August 6, 2021
A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a hot air balloon.

Yes! Prior to your test, it's important to shut down all programs, applications, and services that are running on your computer, and then reboot the computer. This will help ensure your computer is ready for testing.

You will need to have your browser (Chrome recommended) open to log in to your SSAT account; however, all other programs should be closed.

When you launch the Secure Browser, it will double check that all other programs are closed. If any are still open, you can close them manually or use the Secure Browser button to terminate them.

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A hand drawn cloud graphic.
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