A hand drawn sun graphic. Hand drawn bird graphics.

What to wear to an admissions open house?

Last updated: 
October 24, 2023

When dressing for a private school admissions open house or interview, it’s best to check the school’s dress code and wear appropriate clothing. If a formal dress code isn’t available on the school’s website, look for pictures of students and faculty to understand the informal dress code.

Why do your clothes matter? 

Admission representatives are trying to gauge your interest in their school. Do you really care about getting into their school? Will you accept an enrollment offer? Whether they are consciously thinking it or not, your attire signals your interest level.

In short, save the T-shirt and jeans for another occasion. Business casual is typically a safe choice, but as the saying goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. When in doubt, it’s better to err on the side of over-dressing than under-dressing.

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