What level of the SSAT will my student need to take?

A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a cloud.A hand drawn graphic of a hot air balloon.

Your student's test level is automatically selected according to the grade you select during test registration.

Students indicated as in 3rd grade will take the 3rd grade Elementary level test.
Students indicated as in 4th grade will take the 4th grade Elementary level test.
Students indicated as in 5th, 6th, or 7th grade will take the Middle level test.
Students indicated as in 8th, 9th, 10th, or 11th grade will take the Upper level test.

You may choose to indicate your student at a grade that is higher or lower than their actual grade. Often families will select their student as one grade higher near the end of the school year to gauge how they might perform the following year. Additionally, if a student is repeating a grade, a school may ask the student to select one grade lower, so they can be compared to their new classmates.

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A hand drawn cloud graphic.
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